Strategies for Overcoming Common Software Development Challenges - A management perspective

DrupalCon Europe 2023 - Lille, France

Strategies for Overcoming Common Software Development Challenges - A management perspective
In today’s fast-paced technology environment, software development teams face numerous challenges that can hinder their ability to deliver high-quality products on time. These challenges often stem from a lack of effective communication and collaboration between development teams and their management counterparts. In this session, we will explore the most common challenges that development teams face from a management and delivery perspective, as well as practical strategies for overcoming them. [Read More]

Strategies for Overcoming Poorly Defined Requirements in Software Development as a Manager

Project Management Series

Strategies for Overcoming Poorly Defined Requirements in Software Development as a Manager
Poorly defined requirements are one of the major causes of software project failure. Unclear or unknown requirements can lead to scope creep, misunderstandings between stakeholders and the development team, difficulty in testing and maintaining the product, customer dissatisfaction, and project failure. This article explores strategies for overcoming poorly defined requirements from a manager’s perspective. [Read More]

Strategies for overcoming Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Development as a Project Manager

Project Management Series

Strategies for overcoming Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Development as a Project Manager
Unrealistic deadlines are a common problem in software development. They can harm the quality of the work, the morale of the team, and overall, the project’s success. This article discusses the dangers of unrealistic deadlines, how to identify them, and specific actions to attenuate them. [Read More]

Managing Complexity: Best Practices for Software Development Project Managers

DrupalCamp Spain 2023 - Sevilla, Spain

Software development projects are inherently complex, requiring management skills to balance competing priorities such as deadlines, quality, and stakeholder expectations. To be successful, managers must be able to navigate these challenges while keeping their teams motivated and focused on project goals. In this session, we explore and discuss strategies for managing the top challenges that managers face in software development projects. Video: Slides: Managing Project Scope What is included in the project. [Read More]