The Misunderstood Pareto Principle: Why 80/20 Doesn't Always Apply

Software development projects are inherently complex, requiring management skills to balance competing priorities such as deadlines, quality, and stakeholder expectations. To be successful, managers must be able to navigate these challenges while keeping their teams motivated and focused on project goals.
In this session, we explore and discuss strategies for managing the top challenges that managers face in software development projects.
[Read More]Summary and main ideas of the DrupalCon 2020 session.
Upwork’s “Future Workforce Report ” predicts that 73% of all teams will have remote workers by 2028.
[Read More]Nowadays organizations face complexity and overload, with more challenges and information than they can effectively process and manage. Besides, entrepreneurs tend to get stuck working in their businesses rather than working on their business.
Holacrazy encourages peer-to-peer relationships, instead of codependent parent-child dynamics. This distribution of authority avoids a system limited by its leaders’ capacities. In fact, it scales far beyond them.
Although human culture is free to emerge naturally, Holacrazy is focused on the organization and its purpose, not on the people and their desires and needs.
[Read More]The world is in need of change. Nowadays, so many organizations dispirit the people who are doing the work and frustrate people whom the work is being done, empty for real meaning. Our organizations are failing!
When you want to deal with a dysfunctional organization you can:
Organizations are made by people who interact with each other across all levels in the corporate hierarchy. The hardest part of management improvements is changing the individual’s behavior.
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